May 29, 2008


I miss nature. I miss vast expanses with no one to be seen for miles. I miss seeing the stars.
Its been so long since I've seen my old friends Orion, Big and Little Dipper, Milky Way, Venus, Jupiter, and all of the others who don't mind that I don't know their names. Its been so long since I've seen them smile at me, laughing and basking in each other's twinkles. I only see people now. People are much less interesting because I can't control what they do next and sometimes they bother you when you don't want to be bothered. The stars have never bothered anyone. They just do their thing in the sky and send you some love if you happen to take the time to look up. I don't think the stars like the city. Theres too much bothering and too few people taking the time to look up. I can't take street lights and neon signs for much longer. I miss the stars.

All of my friends are leaving and it's very anti-climactic. Its like this whole year was a big jungle adventure complete with sword fighting action! and high speed chases! and crazy animals! and boobie traps and enemies and romance and mysteries and waterfalls! And then one night after having just had a campfire jam session and dance party, we all wake up and the jungle is gone so we all decided to go home. Thats it. I was expecting a mushroom cloud announcing the end of something huge but instead the finish line just sort of came and everybody just sort of strolled over it and puttered away.

Well, I still have time left and I want a grand finale, goddamnit! I want fireworks and I want stars! Clearly the only option I have is to find a firework factory/store, break in, steal all of the fireworks and escape to the country side where I can run around barefoot in the grass lighting off fireworks.

Step one...

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