April 16, 2008

gotta run but here are some pics

Hello everyone!

Due to my jet setting lifestyle, I don't have time to write about what I did in Paris. BUT...I can tell you that it was really really great to go by myself. Once again I met two girls and we hit it off really well and ended up doing some stuff together. I walked SO MUCH and took some really great pictures which I have posted on my photos site. If you don't know this already, there is a link to it on the left hand side of this blog. I saw a bunch of the places where Amelie was filmed. My hostel was right on the bank of that canal where she skips stones! I also ate lunch in the cafe where she works, Le Cafe des 2 Moulins (the two windmills cafe). I went to this really wild modern art gallery/space called Le Palais du Tokyo and saw the coolest art installation of my entire life. I went to Versailles for 10 minutes...but that is a different story.

I now have to get ready to go to Sicily. MAH B!! I'm going with my friend Rachel who has family there. So, I might come back the size of a cow due to the food cooled by her Sicilian Great Aunt. heeellllll yeah. Also, its 80 degrees and sunny. And its effing SICILY. Ok. Peace.

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