September 2, 2007



you can go here to see lots of pictures that I have taken. Well, these are only a few but still...

Another thing, if you have not heard of Skype it is a way that I can communicate online, like talking on the phone except it is on the internet, for free. You can talk from computer to computer if you have a microphone. Go to

my user name is heyitsruby. Let me know if you have downloaded it so that I can talk to you when I am online!


celeste323 said...

WOW! What Pics! You are really quite a photographer, Ruby! Keep up the great work! I thoroughly enjoyed every pic!

paulsherryandsara said...

Hey girl
Greetings from the Suwannee. Glad to hear you're finally in Lyon safe and sound. OK, safe, I'm not sure how sound. After all there are those dad genetics to contend with. It's 11pm and my humor is a bit thin I think. Anyway, we'll look into getting a microphone and downloading skype so that we can talk via the net. Hugs and kisses from all of us. Bonne nuit